Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Rodgers thing b-ball. In our little cul de sac, there is plenty of room to teach jett to use that height to his advantage with our b-ball goal! (For those of you who don't get to see Jett alot, he is super tall for his age.) It's also turned into the street goal, all the boys on the street love to play, all the time! It's great.

Dallas Mavs here I come!

I thought I would also share some great pics from back at Mother's Day 2007. I'll take more from Father's Day tomorrow. :)

Prayer request: Mark is up for a promotion right now... If you all could say a little prayer for us, we would appreciate it. Hope everyone is great!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

We're baaack!

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I love this picture of Jett. He used every block in the box at Grandma Julie's house! He is a smart cookie, that is for sure. Well, school is out, and Jett is missing it alot by now. He will be ready for kindergarten in the fall, so we are working on getting prepared for that. He loves his kindergarten practice books, and is spelling every word he knows!

We have been swimming alot, those days are few and far between because of the weird weather here in TX. It rains, and rains, and rains, then there are a few sunny days mixed in. So we jump on it!

We had a great time at Stacie & Dustin's pool. Mark and Jett even had a sleep-over at Zach's request! :) They built a 'hut' (a 'fort', in Texas terms..) in their living room to sleep in. FUN! Stacie evn broke out the old school Super Nintendo to play on! It got quite competitive between Mark and I, but that's just us...:)

Everything else is going well. Mark and I are staying busy with our work and trying to enjoy the summer with the family. We hope everything is good with all of you and we hope to get on the ball with this Blogger thing! It's important to stay in touch with family, even if just through the internet. :)
Love, The Rodgers